blueAPACHE provide an always-on, inbound and outbound email security package, with protection against targeted attacks, spear phishing, advanced malware, spam and bulk mail. This includes data loss prevention technology and email encryption delivered from a global cloud platform to protect both your cloud and on-premise mailboxes.
We deliver and continuously develop a highly accurate, effective cloud service for securing and managing your email. Backed by a comprehensive and meaningful service level agreement and supported by a global team of email security experts available and accessible 24/7, email security is now simpler than ever. Our solution offers:
- Available as a Service (pay as you go, for what you need).
- Reduced security complexity.
- Increased employee productivity while reducing the risk of security breaches.
- Rapid implementation, predictable costs, and vastly improved ROI acheived by delivering email Security as a Service (SECaaS).
- Enforceable acceptable usage policies, reduce data loss, and maintain regulatory compliance.
- Ensures the highest quality of service delivery.
- Provides access to a dedicated team of email and security specialists who understand the importance of your email and service excellence.
Email Security anywhere, any device, anytime
The blueAPACHE MailMarshal Email Security solution secures your email gateway against all threats and restores the true business value of email, making it safe and efficient to use. We consistently enforce Acceptable Use Policies, protecting employees and providing a safer working environment – regardless of location and time – across all devices
Simplified email security
Managing email infrastructure has become increasingly complex and costly, requiring significant resource and infrastructure investment. Spam, malware, complex compliance policies, and confidential data leakage are just some of the concerns that keep today’s messaging administrators up at night. blueAPACHE MailMarshal Email Security takes care of all these issues (and more) providing a single solution for organisations large and small.
Less investment, better ROI
blueAPACHE MailMarshal Email Security is available as a Service – meaning you pay per month and have the scalability, elasticity and agility to manage business growth and change. By removing the complexities, specialist resource requirement and high costs of on-site management. blueAPACHE frees up in-house resources, mitigates unnecessary IT investment and offers a vastly improved ROI that can be easily measured through management reports, improved security, bandwidth savings, performance gains, less specialist resources, less infrastructure requirements and automated updates.
Comprehensive protection
blueAPACHE MailMarshal Email Security is a versatile, powerful and scalable email security system, compatible with any network environment. It integrates email threat protection, anti-spam, inbound/outbound content analysis, policy/compliance enforcement, data leakage prevention and reporting into a single, flexible and easy-to-manage solution.
Security gateway
blueAPACHE MailMarshal Email Security acts as a gateway, filtering all email sent and received at the network/Internet perimeter. It blocks incoming threats such as spam, phishing, viruses, malware, malicious links and Denial of Service attacks, while also monitoring outbound messaging — enforcing Acceptable Use Policies and compliance with data leakage prevention policies.
Compliance and protection
blueAPACHE MailMarshal Email Security helps mitigate legal liability by removing inappropriate content, offensive language and demonstrating that all reasonable measures to protect employees and fairly enforce policies are in place. It also helps protect your organisation’s reputation by preventing confidential data loss and embarrassment via inappropriate or offensive email conduct.
Improves productivity
blueAPACHE MailMarshal Email Security protects employee productivity by virtually eliminating spam and other email distractions.
Improves network efficiency
blueAPACHE MailMarshal Email Security improves network efficiency and saves costs by managing bandwidth utilisation, rejecting spam from known sources and reducing excessive non-business email.
Key features of the our Email Security solution include:
- Delivered at the gateway – meaning it works on all devices, all locations, all the time.
- Best-of-breed anti-spam (99.5% spam blocking with near-zero false positives).
- Protection against phishing, viruses, malware and blended threats (malicious links).
- Inbound/outbound content security (deep content inspection of messages and attachments).
- Acceptable use and compliance policy enforcement (enforceable by individual, groups or all users).
- Data leakage Prevention (DLP) technology.
- Secure, automatic email encryption.
- Message archiving.
- Pornographic image detection (optional).
- Denial of Service (DoS) and directory harvesting attack prevention.
- Extensive reporting and message classification.
- Comprehensive enterprise management.
- supports native Active Directory (AD) or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol).
For more information on how our email security solution can benefit your business, contact us for a free consultation.
More Information
For more information, contact the blueAPACHE account team.